Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekly Photography Challenge: 'E' - Envy

OK - this week is tongue-in-cheek, or maybe tongue somewhere else!  You know I had to put these photographs out here this week.  For those of us from cold & flu territory, these photographs represent what we would all like to do when that cold takes a hold of us and fills up our nasal passages. 

This little guy was out playing around near his mother in Wind Cave National Park this Saturday when I was trying to focus on getting some elk photographs.  When he caught my eye, he was flicking his tongue around.  I really didn't know what we had captured until we got back and downloaded the files.  We laughed hysterically.  And the first words out of our mouths were "Don't you wish you could do that when you have a cold?!"  Gross, I know - but we have all had those nasty colds where we just want that mucus out of there!

Hilarious Bison Buffalo Calf with Tongue up Nose by Dakota Visions Photography LLC

What did we actually learn this week?  We learned that the more time you spend with the subjects you are photographing, the better your photographs will be.  Sometimes, it's about catching those moments that everyone knows happens - but we just don't get the chance to see them unless we know when to look.  We knew something special was happening because of the way he was reacting to his mother, and the other young calves around him.  We just didn't know how special it was until we got home. 

Hilarious Bison Buffalo Calf with Tongue up Nose by Dakota Visions Photography LLC

So, tongue-in-nose, our weekly challenge turned into 'Envy'!  We are envious - and what we found out was that he kept doing it!  We hope you have as much fun as we had getting these ready for you.  Share the link to our post this week or hit the Like button below to give a shout out on Facebook or Google+.

Hilarious Bison Buffalo Calf with Tongue up Nose by Dakota Visions Photography LLC

If you participated in this week's photography challenge, leave a link to your 'E' photograph in the comments below.  Copy and paste a link to your Flickr, Picasa, or web gallery with your weekly challenge photograph for something containing the letter 'E'. 

We look forward to getting 'out of the box' next week with the letter 'F'.  Oh, what to choose with the letter 'F' - but remember, keep it clean!  We'll see you behind the lens...

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Dakota Visions Photography, LLC