As always, we have written permission to post and to take a screen shot of these websites from the owners. So onto the picks - here is our Two for Tuesday sites for you to devour...
T4T Portfolio/Gallery - Alan Shapiro Photography
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Alan Shapiro Photography - |
T4T PhotoBlog - Steve Creek Outdoors
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Steve Creek Outdoors - |
His incredible understanding for the Arkansas and Oklahoma outdoors can be appreciated when reading his personal statement - Patience, Observation, Passion... Result is Great Photos. Personally, we like his reference to the Exorcist when photographing a Red-bellied Woodpecker. Now come on, where else are you going to find a reference to the Exorcist when photographing birds?! Great job, Steve! Keep up the great work...
So those are our picks for this T4T Tuesday post! We hope you enjoy the sites that we've found for you and spend some time this week getting to know Alan and Steve. Stop by their sites, add them to your Google+ circles, and subscribe to their updates. Spread the word about the great works that are out there just waiting to be found...
And while you are at it, join us on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ , or sneak a peek at our own photography on Dakota Visions Photography, LLC. Until next time, we'll see you behind the lens...
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Thanks for including me and I am glad you enjoy my photos.