Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Twitter - Great Tool for Learning

Twitter - Great Tool for Learning Photography by Dakota Visions Photography LLC www.dakotavisions.com
We would like to get in the habit of sharing with you great articles, tweets, posts, or likes we've seen during the week.  We may try and do these on Monday, and call it - Social Media Monday or just whenever we feel like it.  Maybe we start Facebook Friday or Twitter Tuesday...haven't quite figured out how to fit in Pinterest or Google+ yet! 

The point is, we want to share some of the items we've found on social media all in one space, so you can easily enjoy them as well. 

Thoughtful Tweets of the Week:
  • Amazing Photography @AmazingPics - The Drought of 2012 in Photos ow.ly/diHUe via @in_focus 
    • This is an amazing pictorial article of the devastation that the Drought of 2012 has been wreaking across the Midwest.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the farmers and businesses affected by this drought.  Opportunities to tell a story via photographs.
  • niksoftware @niksoftware - Want to learn more about how to use Silver Efex Pro 2 to create beautiful landscapes?  Free video by Janice Wendt. cot.ag/PpBPDO
    • We have been wanting to try out Silver Efex Pro 2 and found this educational video a great starting point to make the final decision to buy.  Great opportunities to learn about new products.
  • West Coast Imaging @WCIPhotoLab - Fantastic deal on Adobe Lightroom 4.0 Full Version ($119.99) amzn.to/MW8wfd
    • Keep up on the latest sales and photography equipment on the market.
  • PetaPixel @petapixel - Creative firework photographs shot by refocusing during long exposures: j.mp/PimN1o
    • Learn new techniques and gather inspiration for your own portfolio. 
  • Trevor Current @TrevorCurrent - Are you a #photographer who likes sharing their knowledge and experiences?  We're looking for a few new Contributors.  DM me for details.
    • Trevor is the founder of the popular photography art & business resource website currentphotography.com and cohost of the digitalphotographycafe.com podcast.  Using Twitter to keep up with photography jobs and postings. 
Twitter - Great Tool for Learning Photography by Dakota Visions Photography LLC www.dakotavisions.com

Let us know if this is something that you want us to continue to do, and we'll work on future articles.  So, feel free to leave a comment below and we'll follow up with you.  Read this, share it, and let the rest of the world in on what's going on in the world of social media! 

We'll see you behind the lens...

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Dakota Visions Photography, LLC